
Achieve Success with Highly Integrated, Quality Data Analytics

What is The Difference Between BI and Analytics

Business intelligence and analytics software provides data-driven insights to improve decision making. While related, BI focuses more on reporting and visualizing data, while analytics emphasizes advanced statistical analysis. Utilizing both allows organizations to fully leverage their data for competitive advantage.

Today, data is growing at an exponential rate and enterprises are struggling to manage the data and extract meaningful insights for informed decision making. Enterprises in the absence of a BI/Analytics strategy have to deal with lower sales growth, volatility in the cost of acquiring customers, increased spends, lowered levels of customer service, inefficiencies in financial management, inability to track customer behaviour and marketing campaigns and promotions that lack focus on customer segments, etc. 

How Data Virtualization Enhances Data Analytics

Data is central to achieving many of the primary goals of today’s enterprises – from realizing operational cost efficiencies to building a data-driven culture and from driving innovation and disruption to accelerating the pace at which new products and services are offered.

Data can ultimately help enterprises become more competitive – if the right enterprise data management solutions can be implemented.

Data today comes from a broad variety of sources, and enterprise data management must simplify the ingestion, consolidation, replication, synchronization, distribution and use of data from a wide variety of platforms.